Wednesday, September 18, 2013

From the General Down to Me!

Whether one continues to serve God in the Army or has moved on, I believe it is good for all to continue in prayer for the work that God is doing through it's ministries. Salvation Army leadership is being challenged in new ways every day. Society is changing, indeed has been changing for a long time. Today's society is not as sympathetic as it once was. Politicians seem to be restricting those freedoms which enable us to reach out with the Gospel message, as never before.

I am concerned for Army leadership. There's is not an easy task, this process of sorting it all out. They need strength and wisdom in greater measure. I believe all of us should pray for them every day.

Among the fellowship of 'Formers', there are those who have issues with the Army or, at least with some of it's leadership. This is true and, no doubt, will remain true in the future. Some have been hurt deeply. Yet, can we still see our way clear to pray, even for the very leadership that you believe has wronged you?

How wonderful it would be if we all could just separate the individual from the organization in a way that allows us to continue our support for the Army work (if only in spirit), recognizing that some may have hurt others, but the ministry moves on and God still blesses it.

Salvation Army leaders, from the new Lieutenant to the General, are in need of OUR prayers! We can pray that God will send His Spirit in a new, fresh and powerful way. We can pray that, as Army leaders make decisions, they seek His face in all decisions that are made, especially the tough ones....the ones that concern personnel and families.

Then, we can also pray that God will give us forgiving spirit that will enable us to be just what He wants us to! As we face our new realities, God still wants to draw up alongside, our paraclete as it is said in the Greek. God can still do wonders with us if we can only lay aside any resentments we may have and free ourselves from their destructive force.

When this happens, we can pray more powerfully than ever before!

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