Friday, September 6, 2013

From the Wilderness to the Miraculous!

Note to Readers: I recognize that many Formers have moved on with their lives and are doing just fine. However, this article is for those who may still have issues to deal with. Blessings!

For many former Salvation Army officers there is something of a wilderness experience that follows resignation or termination. Things change and, often, they change dramatically. "What will I do?", "Where will I go?" are questions that are immediately asked by the newly separated servant. Some discover that few of their former colleagues are sympathetic to their situation. It may be that you feel leadership has abandon you and there are precious few resources available to give you a new direction.

Often times, former officers harbor ill feelings toward the Army as they consider the circumstances surrounding their separation. They may even feel that God has abandon them! Yes, it can be a wilderness experience that wreaks havoc with our emotions, our families, and even our spiritual lives.

So what is one to do? Is it unrealistic to expect a miracle in such circumstances? Can one be 'saved' from the predicament one finds themselves in? Yes!....I think so! It is possible to move from the wilderness to the miraculous.

First, we must develop the capacity to differentiate between the real and the perceived! We may 'feel' that we have been abandoned by others and perhaps that is your experience. However, there are many wonderful people in the officer ranks who sympathize with the former officer. You may have to search a bit, but rest assured they are there, and they want to help. Even in the Army's hierarchy there are many leaders who really do care for you. It is important that you not become disillusioned by the few who may be unkind to you. One must resist, at all costs, the desire to lash out at those who may have wronged you! Remember, the devil specializes in making you angry which, in turn, will drive you further into the wilderness!

Second, concentrate on recovering from your circumstances! There is life beyond Salvation Army officership. It may not be the life you had hoped for, but our God WILL lead you as you begin to discover other ways to be used of Him!

Third, you have a choice to make. You can choose to go it alone, letting ill will drive the direction you go, or you can begin the healing process...and that process begins with forgiveness. If you have acted inappropriately in your ministry years, then seek God's forgiveness for this and take responsibility for your actions. If other's have hurt you and treated you unfairly, then forgiving them will be necessary before you can move on. Easily said, I know but, still, very necessary.

Fourth, know that it is possible to move from the wilderness to the miraculous! This possibility exists within the domain of God Himself. God can heal, He can restore, God can lead you to a new, productive and meaningful life....and He will! Laying prostrate with all humility and brokenness before His throne and laying aside everything that keeps victory out of reach, is the proper posture for one to take on when seeking God's help and direction.

Our God is a God of Miracles. He will work one for you, even when all seems lost! May God bless you!

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