Sunday, September 8, 2013

Recovery for the Broken Heart!

"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans :3-5

While reading this verse of Scripture, I immediately began to think of my post Officership responsibility to persevere, even under the most difficult circumstances. When first resigning my Officership, there was a very real sense of failure that overwhelmed me. Even though my wife and I had left in good standing, I could not help but think I had fallen short of my commitment to see my ministry through to retirement. We were just 3 years from our retirement date but only had thirteen years of officer service, so we could not be considered for early retirement. It was necessary for me to care for my wife, who had suffered several strokes, full time so....the decision to leave was made.

The first year was very difficult and I was experiencing many, varied emotions. The devil visited me in a powerful way in an attempt to foster anger and resentment over our circumstances. It seemed as if we had been abandon by the very family we committed our lives to! The financial struggle that followed resignation was distressing. Now, I must point out that the Army was very generous by allowing us a severance package equal to what we would have received had we been granted early retirement, so I have no complaints about that at all. It was sufficient to get us through the first year. Even so, it was a 'no frills' existence. Our inability to get health care for my wife was most discouraging and frustrating.

Well, enough about me. The fact is our experience was not unlike the experience of many former officers.

Rejoicing in the Midst of Troubled Times

After things settled down, I slowly began to realize that my first responsibility in life was to safeguard my relationship with Jesus Christ! Nothing else would fall in line.... unless I maintained the Christian standard I was called upon to live out. I had to learn that, while times were tough, I must rejoice exceedingly in my circumstances! As our Scripture says, "but we also exult in our tribulations"! It promises that such a response will enable us to persevere....even in the most difficult times!

Increased Character, and a Hope that Will Not Disappoint

By rejoicing while, at the same time, navigating difficult waters, our character will be strengthened and our hope will be made sure, a hope that will not disappoint! How can this be, you may ask? "...because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."

You can and will make it through this new challenge. By maintaining a joyful heart, even when in the midst of despair, and continuing to serve your God who will enable you to maintain the standard, YOU WILL gain the victory! There is victory for the brokenhearted!

May God Bless you!

To read the full blog go to:

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