Sunday, September 15, 2013

Healing and Restoration!

I believe there is great value in bringing encouragement to former officers of The Salvation Army. Many are facing significant struggles in their lives. Giving them a Fellowship to identify with can be useful.

'Healing and Restoration' is the slogan we use. It is not just a handy little moniker on a flag to wave, but a real mission! To stand idly by, while many of them leave the Army for good, and make no effort is, to me, shameful! What a wonderful resource they can be if we win them back.

Now, of course, many Former's have no interest in repatriation. That's just the way it is. They often resist any overtures made toward them. Many are angry, hurt or disappointed. Some things we cannot do anything about! Still others cannot return due to the circumstances under which they left. However, many are receptive to a friendly contact, an encouraging word or a listening ear. If YOU know who they are, why not 'steer' them our way?

Now, I recognize many Salvation Army leaders are very leery of any group of Former's who organize. Frankly, I can understand this. Leadership has had many unpleasant experiences with Former's who have been less than supportive with their public utterances.

Yet, there must be room for those who continue their support for the Army and it's mission.... those who, if given the chance, might well make a God honoring contribution to the cause.

There must be room for a ministry that brings healing to those who are deeply hurting whether they are sympathetic to the Army or not. There should be a serious, extended effort to bring many back into the family, whether it be as Officers or Soldiers, even if we are uncomfortable with the effort! I believe the FSAOF can be that ministry!

Dear Lord, we spend countless time and effort reaching out to millions of people we do not know at all, while at the same time relegating to the 'scrap heap' those we have known for years.

God help us to do better!

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